You are going to graduate from University, and during the rest time you are
You are going to graduate from University, and during the rest time you are
You are going to graduate from University, and during the rest time you are more concerned with your occupation. What’s your plan for your job. Write an essay of about 400 words entitled "occupation planning".
In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.
Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.
Occupation Planning
Finding a job is like any other competitive activity. You would not play a game or basketball without practicing and warming up for the game. You would practice your shots, your dribbling, your passing, and even your free throws for a long time before the game. Then on the day of the game you would practise them again. Every time you practised, you’d hope to improve. The job market is more competitive than that. So you should practise harder, and have a good game plan.
As above-mentioned, a job-hunter must have a careful plan for it. Of course, many process we can follow. The first step is a good resume. It should be clear and concise, with the most important items on the first page. The worst thing will be that someone wants to interview or hire you but does not know how to find you. The key items in a résumé include your job objective, your education, your work experience, your honors, awards, your affiliations and any offices held, and anything else you think will help you get the job. Some candidates include hobbies, interests, personal information, references, etc. Others do not. Such items come at the end of the résumé with references as the last.
The second step is a good cover letter. This should be no more than a page. If it’s any longer the reader may not notice your signature at the bottom. Like the résumé , the cover letter should go through several careful drafts, with advice from an instructor or some other experienced people. Other documents such as personal statements and application forms may be required. These should be prepared just as thoroughly and conscientiously as the letter and the resume.
Now you are almost ready for the bottom line of the job-hunting process: the interview. The job may be gained or lost in the first 30 seconds of the interview, so you should practice this part several times, including your entry, greetings, etc. Bring several copies of your résumé to the interview in case the committee members don’t have them, and be prepared to hand these out at the beginning. It’s also good to practise the entire interview. Answers should be clear and concise, including relevant specific examples of your education or experience. One good example can be worth several minutes of general discussion.
In a word, you are sure to be accepted as long as you have detailed and practical plan.
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