Women should be taught all sorts of breeding suitable both to their genius a

游客2024-12-26  6

问题     Women should be taught all sorts of breeding suitable both to their genius and quality.  And in particular, music and dancing; which it would be cruelty to bar the sex of, because they are their darlings. But besides this, they should be taught languages, as particularly French and Italian; and I would venture the injury of giving a woman more tongues than one. They should, as a particular study, be taught all the graces of speech, and all the necessary air of conversation; which our common education is so defective in, that I need not expose it. They should be brought to read books, and especially history; and so to read as to make them understand the world, and be able to know and judge of things when they hear of them.
    To such whose genius would lead them to it, I would deny no sort of learning; but the chief thing, in general, is to cultivate the understandings of the sex, that they may be capable of all sorts of conversation; that their parts and judgments being improved, they may be as profitable in their conversation as they are pleasant.


答案     对于女性的教育,应考虑适合其天赋与资质。尤其应当教授她们钟爱的音乐与舞蹈,如若将女性拒之于歌舞之外,实在是残忍之极。除此之外,还应教授她们各种语言,尤其是法语与意大利语;对于教女性多种语言不利的说法,我却不敢苟同。语言的优雅艺术与谈吐的必要气质尤其应当成为她们所学习的课程,而这恰恰是我们的普通教育中所欠缺的,在此无庸赘述。我们还应教会她们读书,特别是读历史;并且循循善诱之,使其了解世界,遇事能够正确地理解和判断。

解析 1.第一句话中的breeding这里意为educating,genius意为character。
2.第二句中的bar…of意为“把……排除在外”,the sex这里指的是women。
3.第三句中的I would venture…是英语中的自谦语,意为“对于……,恕我不敢苟同”。
4.第四句话翻译时应当把被动语态转换为主动语态更符合汉语表达习惯。all the necessary air of conversation可译为“谈吐辞令”或是“谈话技巧”。
5.第五句中的be brought to指的是be taught to。
6.第六句话句子较长,可以保留原句的格式,也可译为三句话,在分号处断句即可。“I would deny no sort of learning”是英语典型的双重否定句,翻译时可以保留双重否定的形式,可以译为“无论学习什么都是无可厚非的”。cultivate the understandings of the sex指的是to cultivate the under-standings of women,即“培养女性对事物的理解能力”。“…they may be as profitable in their conversation as they are pleasant”一句中profitable指的是“令人受益匪浅”。