If I look back now and size up honestly the situation I was in at the timet

游客2024-12-25  7

问题     If I look back now and size up honestly the situation I was in at the timet I have to conclude that in the West, in a free society, I probably would not have been able to write the novel known by readers today as Fateless, the novel singled out by the Swedish Academy for the highest honor.
    No, I probably would have aimed at something different. Which is not to say that I would not have tried to get at the truth, but perhaps at a different kind of truth. In the free marketplace of books and ideas, I, too, might have wanted to produce a showier fiction. For example, I might have tried to break up time in my novel, and narrate only the most powerful scenes. But the hero of my novel does not live his own time in the concentration camps, for neither his time nor his language, not even his own person, is really his. He doesn’t remember; he exists. So he has to languish, poor boy, in the dreary trap of linearity, and cannot shake off the painful details. Instead of a spectacular series of great and tragic moments, he has to live through everything, which is oppressive and offers little variety, like life itself.


答案     是的,我可能会尝试别的东西。这并不是说我不会去努力寻找真理,只不过是不同的真理而已。在小说和思想的自由市场里,我也会创作辞藻更加华丽的小说。例如,我也许会把小说的时间顺序打乱,只选择交代那些引人人胜的情节。可是我小说中的主人公在集中营里不是按照他自己的时间生活的,无论他的时间还是他的语言,甚至他本人都不属于他自己。他没有记忆,他仅仅是生存而已。所以这可怜的孩子。只能在极其沉闷的线性陷阱里面枯萎,无法摆脱那些点点滴滴的痛苦。没有一系列引人入胜的宏大场面和悲剧时刻,他不得不忍受每一件事情。就像生活本身那样单调乏味,让人觉得压抑。
