Michel-Guillaume de Crevecoeur (1735-1813) was born in France and came to th

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问题     Michel-Guillaume de Crevecoeur (1735-1813) was born in France and came to the American colonies as a military in the French army. He became a naturalized American and settled down to farming. Between 1765 and 1780 he wrote on American life. He returned to France in 1780, came back to America in 1783, and became French consul in New York. In 1790 he went back to France where he lived the rest of his life.
    I wish I could be acquainted with the feelings and thought which must agitate the heart and present themselves to the mind of an enlightened Englishman, when he first lands on this continent. He must greatly rejoice, that he lived at a time to see this fair country discovered and settled; he must necessarily feel a_share_of national pride, when he views the chain of settlements which embellishes these extended shore. When he says to himself, this is the work of my countrymen who, when convulsed by factions, afflicted by a variety of miseries and wants, restless and impatient, took refuge_here. They brought along with them their national genius, to which they principally owe what liberty they enjoy, and what substance they possess. Here he sees the industry of his native country, displayed in a new manner, and traces in their works the embryos of all the arts, sciences, and ingenuity which flourish in Europe. Here he beholds fair cities, substantial villages, extensive fields, an immense country filled with decent houses, good roads, orchards, meadows, and bridges, where a hundred years ago all was wild, woody, and uncultivated!


答案     米.居.奎维吉尔(1734~1831)生于法国.随法军进入北美殖民地.取得美国国籍后定居务农。1765~1780年间执笔评论美国人的生活。 1780年回法国.1783年又到美国,并成为法国驻纽约领事,1790年回法国度过晚年。

解析     本文是美国历史文化研究史上的名篇,常被录入有关教材,尤其是向外国人介绍美国的教材。本文摘自美国新闻署出版的Reflections on the Americans and American Character,是该散文集的首篇。
He returned to…in New York:汉语虽然不注重语言表层的形式衔接,但却强调语气的关联和主题的统一,因此,译文中加入了“又”和“并”两个虚词。
which:  “which”在中国的意合语言中是没有必要的,在译文中只能理解为停顿,加上逗号和“那种”是话语衔接自然并以解释的形式对前文继续发展。
an enlightened Englishman:英国开明人士。
He must greatly rejoice,that:  “rejoice”是具有重要意义的关键词,用汉语思维来理解该词具有所谓“承上启下”的语篇功能,所以分译为两个密切关联的词——“他一定欣喜若狂,庆幸……”,从而使汉语更有一气呵成之感。
he lived at a time:如译成“生活在一段特定的时间”,对任何生物来说都是必然的,无需说明或强调;语义上重要的是生活在什么样的年代,因此,将这一成分译为“有生之年”。
see this fair country discovered and settled:体现了英文措辞的两种倾向:一是由被动意义所表示的物化或客观倾向;二是表面上强调行为的静态结果而不是动态过程,从而造成了“制动于静”、  “以静表动”的语言思维倾向。而中文的思维习惯是以人为本,动态描述。因此,译为“人们发现这块美丽的国土并在这里定居下来”。
which embellishes these extended shore:语法成分上虽是定语,但语义上表示“居所”的作用,可以顺译为“使这漫长的海岸线锦上添花”。
he says to himself:究竟是如何对自己说呢?是不是说出口?这是问题,但并不重要,重要的是心里有想法,冈此,译为“自然会想到”。
this is the work of my countrymen:译为“这些都出自我的同胞之手”,是为了加强汉语的动态意义。如果译为判断句“这些都是我的同胞们的杰作”,语气上就不会有这样的力度。
convulse:(usu.in passive)cause violent movements or disturbances(使剧烈震动;使骚动不安)。  “convulsed by factions”:为教派迫害而震惊。
filled with:采取顺译法翻译,保留了原文话语的自然连贯。