It has been either my good or evil lot to have my roving passion gratified. I

游客2024-12-22  4

问题   It has been either my good or evil lot to have my roving passion gratified. I have wandered through different countries, and witnessed many of the shifting scenes of life. I cannot say that I have studied them with the eye of a philosopher; but rather with the sauntering gaze with which humble lovers of the picturesque stroll from the window of one print-shop to another; caught sometimes by the delineations of beauty, sometimes by the distortions of caricature, and sometimes by the loveliness of landscape. As it is the fashion for modem tourists to travel pencil in hand, and bring home their portfolios filled with sketches, I am disposed to get up a few for the entertainment of my friends. When, however, I look over the hints and memorandums I have taken down for the purpose, my heart almost fails me at finding how my idle humor has led me aside from tile great objects studied by every regular traveler who would make a book.


答案 不知是有幸还是不幸,我游历的癖好常常可以得到满足。我到过好几个国家,见识过不少变迁。对于这些,我不敢说曾经用哲学家的眼光进行过研究:我倒是像一般的风光爱好者一样,在一家又一家图片店的橱窗前驻足过,有时是因为图片中勾画造型的美感,有时是因为滑稽讽刺画中的变形处理,有时是因为画中的景色明媚动人。近代的游客总是手不离画笔,带回家的是厚厚一画家的速写,这是他们的时尚。我也想凑合几幅,作为友人谈笑的资料。然而,当我把那些有意记录下来的提示和素材过目一遍之后,几乎没有勇气把他们拿给友人阅读,因为我发现我那种放荡不羁的惰性使我把一般游客回家后能够写出一本书的大项目给漏掉了。
