[originaltext]Interviewer: Mrs. Leech, can you describe some of the things your
[originaltext]Interviewer: Mrs. Leech, can you describe some of the things your
Interviewer: Mrs. Leech, can you describe some of the things your school does with aggressive children?
Mrs. Leech: Well, you must realize that when he comes here he is meeting other aggressive children, and aggressive children all together usually sum each other up.
Interviewer: Uhumm.
Mrs. Leech: And they find that aggressiveness here doesn’t pay off because you can be jolly sure there’s one tougher and worse than he is.
Interviewer: Uhumm.
Mrs. Leech: So I usually have, eh... I say usually...
Interviewer: Uhumm.
Mrs. Leech: Sometimes have organized fights. I...
Interviewer: Organized fights? You actually...
Mrs. Leech: Yes.
Interviewer: You actually encourage the children to...
Mrs. Leech: We have a ring and we have a bell.
Interviewer: A boxing ring?
Mrs. Leech: Yes!
Interviewer: Uhumm.
Mrs. Leech: And er... they must conform, they must keep to the rules, and when they have either lost or won, we discuss after a) what it is like to be the winner and b) what it is like to lose. And we carry on with our discussion and go on to what it is like in life.
Interviewer: Hmm.
Mrs. Leech: We must win or lose and we must do each very gracefully.
Interviewer: Can you give some reason why children are aggressive.
Mrs. Leech: If a child is one of six or seven children...er...it’s pretty sure that he is naughty and aggressive because he is crying out for attention and in this large family he’s found that a jolly good way of getting attention is to shout, be naughty. At least mummy turns round and says, "Be quiet....
Interviewer: Uhumm.
Mrs. Leech: Be a good boy, or you’ll get this or that."
Interviewer: So some children are aggressive simply in order...
Mrs. Leech: To gain attention!
Interviewer: To gain...
Mrs. Leech: Aggressiveness usually is that. It’s...
Interviewer: Uhumm.
Mrs. Leech: It’s really the children crying out and saying, "Look at me, please."
Interviewer: Umm.
Mrs. Leech: I’m not saying it’s the answer in all circumstances but it usually is.
Interviewer: Can you give some of the advantages of your school, as compared with ordinary schools.
Mrs. Leech: The classes are smaller for one thing.
Interviewer: How small?
Mrs. Leech: Er... we only have groups up to five or six.
Interviewer: Uhumm. And in a normal school?
Mrs. Leech: Oh, well... that varies, of course, but it could be thirty to forty.
Interviewer: Uhum.
Mrs. Leech: Um... here he does have individual attention every day.
Interviewer: Er... do you think the work is important?
Mrs. Leech: I do. Er... without our unit or something similar...
Interviewer: The unit is the school?
Mrs. Leech: Yes, the whole unit.
Interviewer: Uhumm.
Mrs. Leech: I think a lot of children would be left and then perhaps at the age of sixteen, we would have our juvenile delinquent. I’m not saying we’re curing them all.
Interviewer: Uhumm.
Mrs. Leech: But I think at least with the unit available to these children, they have had a chance to make good.
Interviewer: Uhumm.
Mrs. Leech: I’m not saying it always pays off, but they have had a chance.
A、to learn to keep the rules
B、to learn what it is like to lose
C、to learn how to win or lose gracefully
D、to learn how to win out of defeat
根据债券券面形态,可以分为( )。 Ⅰ.实物债券 Ⅱ.记账式债券 Ⅲ.贴
A.利福平 B.青霉素类 C.红霉素等大环内酯类抗生素 D.头孢唑啉 E
线粒体内膜两侧形成质子梯度的能量来源是A.各种三磷酸核苷酸 B.ATP水解
下列膀胱描述正确的是A.膀胱底朝向后上方 B.属于腹膜内位器官 C.膀胱各部