I was slow to understand the deep grievances of women. This was because,as a b

游客2024-12-14  4

问题   I was slow to understand the deep grievances of women. This was because,as a boy,I had envied them. Before college,the only people I had ever known who were interested in art or music or literature,the only ones who read books,the only ones who ever seemed to enjoy a sense of ease and grace were the mothers and daughters. Like the menfolk,they fretted about money,they scrimped and made-do. But,when the pay stopped coming in,they were not the omens who had failed. Nor did they have to go to war,and that seemed to me a blessed fact. By comparison with the narrow,ironclad days of fathers,there was an expansiveness,I thought,in the clays of mothers. They went to see neighbors,to shop in town,to run errands at school,at the library,at church. No doubt,had I looked harder at their lives,I would have envied them less. It was not my fate to become a woman,so it was easier for me to see the graces. Few of them held jobs outside the home,and those who did filled thankless roles as clerks and waitresses. I didn’t see,then,what a prison a house could be,since houses seemed to me brighter,handsomer places than any factory. I did not realize--because such things were never spoken of--how often women suffered from men’s bullying.


答案 像男人一样,女人也为钱发愁,也省吃俭用,凑合度日。但是,如果家里断了收入,问题并非出在她们身上。她们也用不着去打仗,这在我看来是一桩幸事。跟做父亲的那种拥挤、刻板的生活相比,我觉得做母亲的日子过得比较宽松自在。她们上邻居家串门,去城里买东西,到学校、图书馆、教堂跑跑腿儿。当然,我若是对她们的生活观察得敏锐一些,就不会那么羡慕她们了。我命中注定不是女人,因而更容易发现女人悠闲的一面。她们很少有人外出做工,即使有去做工的,也是做些诸如文书和女招待之类的吃力不讨好的差事。那时候,我还意识不到家会多像一座监狱,因为在我看来,家比哪座工厂都要亮堂美观。
