
游客2024-12-12  5

问题     近几年来,父亲和我都是东奔西走,家中光景是一日不如一日。他少年出外谋生,独立支持,做了许多大事。哪知老境却如此颓唐!他触目伤怀,自然情不能自已。情郁于中,自然要发之于外;家庭琐屑便往往触他之怒。他待我渐渐不同往日。但最近两年的不见,他终于忘却我的不好,只是惦记着我,惦记着我的儿子。


答案     Over the past few years, father and I have both been living an unsettled life while the circumstances of our family went from bad to worse. Father left home to seek a livelihood when young. Having achieved quite a few things all on his own, he had hardly ever imagined that he should become so downcast in old age. The sad state of affairs of the family drove him to utter despair, and his pent-up emotion had to find a vent. This is why even mere domestic trivialities would provoke his anger, and he became less and less nice with me. However, the separation of the last two years has made him more forgiving towards me. He keeps thinking about me, and about my son.

解析 1、本段追述过去的生活与感受,属于典型的叙事体裁,故选用一般过去时为主体时态,间杂使用完成时态以突出表现事件的长远影响或结果。
2、第1句的“东奔西走”是中文习惯表达法,可按英文的习惯表达法译为live an unset—tied life,若译为have been forced to constantly move around the country也很符合原文的意思:“家中光景”意为“家庭的经济状况或条件”,所以可译为circumstances ofour family:“一日不如一日”英文有固定短语from bad to worse。
4、第2句的“谋生”可译为seek a livelihood;“做了许多大事”意为取得很多成就,可译为achieved quite a few(或many)things;与第3句之间存在因果关系:由于他年轻时的成就,他不可能想到年老时竟然会如此“颓唐”,所以可以将“独立支持,做了许多大事”译为现在分词短语having achieved quite a few things all on his own,作为下一句的状语。
5、第3句的“哪知”意思是“他根本就不会想到”,可译为he had hardly ever imagined(thought);“颓唐”也是中文习惯表达法,可译为downcast,也可采用英文中常用的生动活泼的成语down and out,“老境”是“老年时的经济与生活状况或处境”的简略说法,可简化为in his old age,与down and out/downcast形成整体。因此“老境却如此颓唐”可译为be so down and out/downcast in his old age。
6、第4句包含好几个汉语中常见的四字词语,如“触目伤怀”,“情郁于中”,“发之于外”,翻译时应摆脱原文形式的束缚,简略其重复部分,照字面翻译出主要意思。“触目伤怀”按字面意思可译为what he saw made him melancholy(sad);从上下文中理解,“触目”的内容主要是“家境”,所以译为the sad state of affairs of the family甚为妥当。若译为Everything that he saw about the pitiable state of affairs of the family sad—dened him to the point that he sometimes could not control his emotions,也很贴近原文,但略显累赘。
7、第5句的“家庭琐屑”一词说的是家里的琐碎不值一谈的小事或不愉快,可译为meredomestic trivialities;“触他之怒”意为使他发怒,甚至大发雷霆,可译为would provoke his anger(fury),也可以简单地译为would make him furious。译文中使用would.可突出表达此类事情的反复性,比用一般过去时翻译更贴近原文的意思。
8、第7句的“最近两年的不见”翻译为名词短语作主语,可以使句子简化,符合文体特征。“忘却我的不好”说的是“忘记了我的不好的一面”,可以翻译为(become)more forgiv—ing towards me,符合英文的习惯表达,简洁自然,若译为forget my bad aspects,则颇显机械拘谨。