Finland is an enormous land of lakes and forests; it’s the largest, totally

游客2024-11-30  9

问题     Finland is an enormous land of lakes and forests; it’s the largest, totally unspoiled area in Europe. Around 65% of Finland is made up of forests. The genius of the Finns lies in their commitment and coexistence with nature. On the other hand, nature in Finland is such an overwhelming factor that it would be impossible not to adapt oneself to it.
    With an area of 1,090 square kilometers, Lake Paijanne is Finland’s second biggest. Its waters are so clean that you can drink right from them. The lake is one of the most beautiful in the country and offers one of the most panoramic views, thanks to the many small rises in the land, which allow you to admire the unspoiled and boundless countryside. The population of Finland amounts to fewer than five million inhabitants. The Finns, who make up the basic nucleus of the population, came originally from the Urals and immigrated to the territory of present-day Finland in the early centuries of the Christian age. For almost a thousand years this people lived organized in tribes, which was family based.


答案     芬兰是一个拥有巨大湖泊和森林资源的国家,也是欧洲最大的未遭破坏的地区,其中65%的面积被森林覆盖。芬兰人的才智尽显于与大自然的和谐统一。而另一方面,芬兰的自然之力摄人心魄,让人无法不融入其中。帕加涅湖是芬兰第二大湖,面积达1 090平方公里,湖水非常清澈,甚至可以直接饮用。
