[originaltext]W: What I don’t understand is why you’re so keen on the Layer-de-
[originaltext]W: What I don’t understand is why you’re so keen on the Layer-de-
W: What I don’t understand is why you’re so keen on the Layer-de-la-Haye house, Roger. Why on earth should we actually choose, to live out in a village, even if it is a popular village, or so the house agent’s description says, when we could get a place right in the center of Colchester? Look... we’ve got all these house descriptions. And we’ve got time to go and see all of them. You know that I’d much prefer to be in the town and...
M: ... and be boxed in by a thousand other houses... surrounded by a thousand faceless neighbors? No Julia... let’s go for the village. After all I’m the one who has to do all the traveling. Back and forth to London every day. And I’d rather add a fifteen-minute bus ride to the train ride.
W: That’s all very well... all very well to take that romantic attitude. You know... you think you can get out of everything and wriggle out of any argument. What about my preferences? You are being selfish you know.
M: Selfish? Me?
W: Yes you. Think of the children, Roger. It seems to me that you’re so carried away with the idea of living in the village and far from the crowd. I think your personal likes and dislikes are making you anything but practical. Alex for example... he’ll be going to secondary school next year. And as far as I’m concerned, the nearer the school the better. Have you read the description of your beautiful village house? Where is it? Yes... here we are... local primary school within walking distance it says. That of course means that the nearest secondary school will be in Colchester.
M: There are such things as school buses you know. And even if there weren’t, Alex is perfectly able... perfectly capable of using public transport.
W: Why at his age?... And think of Sylvia. She’s just getting used to the idea of being in the nursery, can you imagine there being a nursery school in Layer-de-la-Haye? And I must say I... yes, I like to be free of her for part of the day, so that I can get the shopping and the housework done... quite apart from it being good for her.
1. What can we learn about the Layer-de-la-Haye house?
2. What can we learn from the conversation?
3. Why does Julia say Roger is a selfish person?
4. In Julia’s view, what is more practical?
5. According to Julia, what could be seen as a disadvantage?
A、Because Roger is too realistic on the house issue.
B、Because Roger prefers living in popular villages.
C、Because she thinks Roger can never stand in her shoes.
D、Because she can’t understand Roger’s romantic attitude.
对话中两人意见有分歧,女士认为男士是个自私的人,只根据自己的喜好来选择房子。言外之意是她认为男士没有站在对方的角度考虑问题。stand in one’s shoes的意思是“站在某人的角度思考”,故选C项。
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