A recent BBC documentary in which five Chinese teachers were invited to teach
A recent BBC documentary in which five Chinese teachers were invited to teach
A recent BBC documentary in which five Chinese teachers were invited to teach a group of British teenagers using Chinese teaching methods has caused a stir in China and in the UK. What can Chinese and British educators learn from each other? Read the excerpt carefully and write your response in NO LESS THAN 300 WORDS, in which you should;
1. summarize briefly the different opinions;
2. give your comment.
Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.
Write your article on ANSWER SHEET FOUR.
Eaststar (China): Neither the British nor the Chinese education system is perfect. They can learn from each other to produce disciplined, respectful, well-educated and yet self-motivated, socially competent, creative and responsible students. In my course of primary and secondary schooling, I had the privilege of experiencing both systems. In my opinion, the Chinese system is excellent in learning the academic fundamentals, but not so much beyond that.
Ted (the UK): Students in China are raised to study for long hours, with great expectations and demands. Yet they have little social life and there is no encouragement for an enjoyment of lifelong learning. In the West,students are taught to enjoy learning, questioning and using initiative with active learning and problem-solving. They have a broad and balanced education to include social learning, but the downside is difficulties with behavior, most evident in the teenage years. The best of both systems is perhaps what is needed.
Leonard (Singapore): The Chinese education requires rote learning. It seems boring but it trains the mind to focus on what is important and develop concentration and good study habits. These habits benefit them even at a later age. More could be done to encourage children to express opinions about the things they encounter.
Michael (the US): My overall opinion is that the West can learn a lot from China in education. My personal belief is that the biggest benefits of Chinese secondary education are: 1. Longer hours at school. 2. Competitiveness. This is more important in China because there are so many job seekers looking for employment in a highly competitive job market. 3. Higher expectations and demands upon students. 4. More lecture-based lessons. This is great preparation for college. Effective note-taking is essential for college. 5. Team building. This too creates an intellectual environment where synergy is created in addition to developing personal attributes such as tolerance, cooperation and harmony.
Tal (China): If I had a child, I think I’d consider Chinese education for part of his learning. I think that perhaps the middle school years are a good time for him to develop strong fundamental skills in math, reading, memory retention, etc. , that the Chinese system teaches well. But in the more formative primary and high school years, I’d opt for an international school in China offering the international business or something similar. Children need the freedom to explore, express, inquire and understand. These are things that the Chinese system simply does not offer to anywhere near the same degree.
In my view, the chief weakness in China’s system is the lack of room for creativity and individuality among students. Students do not become good learners; they merely become good test takers.
Seneca (China): The one achievement of the Chinese teachers in Britain is that they got the British kids to pay more attention to the teacher. Discipline was reintroduced there. Mind you, that is nothing new. Discipline was common just 30 years ago. It’s gone out of classroom windows over the past 30 years because Western parents, beneficiaries of the Hippie revolution against the Establishment, have inculcated a much more relaxed attitude to their children. Unfortunately, today Western kids are highly problematic at school. The borderline between adulthood and youth is in flux, with stupid parents giving their children more and more slack so that teachers now are faced with undisciplined, rude and sometimes confrontational students.
Chinese Education or British Education?
The BBC program "Chinese School" shows how China and Britain can learn from each other to improve their education systems. Those who favor Chinese education say that it teaches well in learning the academic fundamentals, training concentration, competitiveness, cooperation and discipline. Others point out the shortcomings of Chinese education such as lack of initiative with active learning and problem-solving. Besides, based on rote, kids prefer following suit to expressing their own opinions. Most agree that both sides should learn from each other.
A glimpse of the humming fluorescent lights above the classrooms over the weekends might give you a true picture of what is running on with Chinese education, especially the middle school one. Diligent and industrious as students have to be in a highly competitive society, Chinese education has, for a fairly long time, fallen victim to the urgent call of students with high scores which ensure their entrance to the most prestigious universities in China.
Praised by their strict self-discipline, full focus on tasks and solid academic foundations, Chinese students owe these merits to the current education system which successfully send waves of its graduates to the top universities at home and abroad. While the world gawks at with amazement the fruits we harvest from our toil, instead of gloating over what we have achieved academically, we should introspect what is missing in our education. For example, Chinese students are mildly sneered at for their social ineptitude since the heavy load of homework deprives them of social life. Moreover, the lecture-based teaching method is more likely to instill students with knowledge than pique their interest and initiative in learning. As a result, they become barren in creativity and problem-solving abilities.
The ultimate aim of education is to cultivate talents for social development. So, high scores may be a welcome step in our education but more importantly, an overall development heralds a festooned future for students themselves and our nation.
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