[originaltext]W: Great. Good to see you.M: My first question is what kind of t
[originaltext]W: Great. Good to see you.M: My first question is what kind of t
W: Great. Good to see you.
M: My first question is what kind of training did you need to qualify for the position?
W: In most places, you need to have a Master of Library Information Science in order to be a librarian
M: Would you please describe a typical day at work?
W: In a public library, that can vary widely from day to day. Most days, I spend a lot of time helping people use the public-access computers, and I help patrons locate the books they need. I help students find resources for papers, I help people find new fiction to read, I make displays, teach computer classes, buy the young adult books, do programming, post to the blogs, and I answer strange questions. And there are some days where all I do is refill the paper in the printer, explain that no, I will not unblock that porn site, and hand over the latest Consumer Reports.
M: What are the biggest misconceptions about librarians?
W: That we’re stodgy, boring, formal. New librarians are just as likely to have tattoos. Many people don’t know that being a librarian requires a graduate degree, and most people don’t know that today’s librarians are very tech-savvy.
M: Did you always want to be a librarian?
W: No. In my generation, there were not a lot of choices for women. It opened up to me to work in a library while I was getting my teaching credential. I really liked it much better than the teaching, because you have a wider grade range, but it’s not a glamour profession. You have to really love it, to do it.
M: What would you be doing if you weren’t doing this?
W: I’d own a bakery or cafe: I love to bake, and almost went to culinary school.
M: How much have libraries changed over the years? When did you enjoy it more, now or back then?
W: The work of a librarian today is more technocratic because of the greater availability of information and also because computers takes a bigger part of the librarian’s work. Personally, I enjoyed more the kind of work we did back then in the old days.
1. According to Jessica, what is a typical day at work?
2. Which is the correct understanding of a librarian’s life and work?
3. Why did Jessica become a librarian instead of a teacher?
4. What is Jessica’s view on being a librarian?
5. In Jessica’s view, how much have libraries changed over the years?
A、A librarian should be a multi-tasker.
B、A librarian should have tattoos.
C、Neatly dressed is required
D、A Bachelor degree is required.
DNA与RNA中不同的成分是A.磷酸 B.糖 C.嘌呤碱基 D.胞嘧啶
【教学过程】 (一)故事导入 1.在上课的开始我会给学生播放汶川地震与日本地震和核泄漏的视频片段,提问学生:“通过观看视频,你有什么样的感悟”。 学生自由
心肺复苏时,判断及评价呼吸的时间不得超过A.5s B.6s C.8s D.
标志进入第二产程的表现是A.宫口开全 B.胎膜已破 C.内旋转 D.胎头着
不符合胰腺癌的描述是A.可引起黄疸 B.可发生肝转移 C.可引起胰腺炎 D