Electronic gadgets such as smartphones are so overused in daily life tha

游客2024-11-06  12

问题         Electronic gadgets such as smartphones are so overused in daily life that the relationships such as those between husbands and wives, parents and children, have been affected to varying extents. Thus, the All-China Women’s Federation (ACWF) has put forward a proposal, calling on cellphone addicts to switch off their devices at least one hour a day and spend more quality time with their families. The following are different opinions on this proposal.
        Write an article of NO LESS THAN 300 words, in which you should:
        1. summarize briefly the arguments from both sides;
        2. give your comment.
        Chen Guangjiang, physician in Suzhou Central Hospital
        Just like Earth Hour, a global initiative for environmental awareness that encourages people all around the world to turn off the nonessential lights for an hour on the event day, cannot tangibly reduce energy consumption, this proposal constitutes a modest suggestion. In certain cases, however, the power of such a symbolic action should not be underestimated. It is likely that switching off one’s phones may help people to view things in a different light and maybe even to reevaluate their priorities. Besides, in my humble opinion, the fact that many people keep their smart phones on all day long may just mean they are deluding themselves into thinking that they are more important than they actually are!
        Ran Yu, Graduate Student at the University of Kansas
        People tend to spend a large amount of time on their smartphones, time that might otherwise have been spent on communicating within one’s family or participating in social gatherings, leading to a sum decline in the quality of their interpersonal relationships. Given this, the ACWFs proposal to put one’s mobile phones to one side for at least one hour every day is eminently reasonable.
        However, in this era of the mobile Internet, what an impractical idea it is! In any case, if the happiness some couples experience in their married life hangs on them switching off smartphones, their marriage is in the first place quite fragile. While it is indeed true that smartphones have caused conflicts between couples, the side effects of the use of such devices should not be so exaggerated.
        Liu Yunxi, Associate Advisory at KPMG
        Whether or not this initiative will really help to bolster familial connections remains a moot point. I, for one, do not hold high expectations. Apart from playing with our cellphones, we have at our disposal a multitude of other ways in which we can kill time. Those who turn off their phones will not necessarily spend the time with their family. They may go out to meet friends or spend the time reading instead.
        The key to improving family relationships lies not in switching off our phones, but in our desire to spend time with family members. If people are willing and able to be together with their loved ones, even their phones will not prove sufficient distraction. Placing the blame for the deterioration of family relationships solely on electronic gadgets is surely going a step too far.
        Wang Chuantao, journalist from Workers’ Daily:
        The ACWFs proposal is more of symbolic significance than of actual practical use. The message tile ACWF seems to be trying to convey is that smartphones are distracting users from the real life and that life will still go on, and maybe even improve, if you power off your smartphones for one or more hours a day. This proposal does not mean to deny the convenience brought by modern hi-tech products, but people should remember that they are not the slaves of electronic devices, but rather should be the masters.


答案                                                         Switch off Your Phone and Open up a Possibility
        It seems smart gadgets are eroding our life, like the quality time with our family. The All-China Women’s Federation, aware of this situation, proposes to switch off cellphones one hour every day. This symbolic gesture attracts attacks as well as support Opponents believe that smartphones are not the most important factor that influences family relationship. People might choose other ways to kill the hour instead of spending time with their family.
        I believe the attack holds water to some extend but is not 100% true. Switching off cellphone does not have an absolute correlation with improved family relationship but at least provides an opportunity for people to do things other than playing with smartphone, and spending time with family may be a choice. Therefore, the suggestion is not a cure but providing a possibility.
        I support this policy which may be beneficial in a couple of ways. Switching off phones will remind people that life still goes on without phones. Imagine yourself sitting on your sofa after a day’s work, you just scroll down the screen without any purposes. There is no new emails, no messages; you are just used to holding your phones and spending hours on it. If you switch off your phones, you will certainly do other things to kill time. You can read a bit, talk with the people in the same room or watch a TV show together. When you switch it on, you will probably find that there are no new emails, no messages, and no missed calls. Till then, you would realize that life goes on without you staring at the screen all day. With this realization, you would spend less time on your phone and more on other things interest you, such as being with family or friends.
        Therefore, I support this idea not because it provides a cure for improved family relationship but at least a possibility.

解析         为了改善家庭关系,全国妇联(ACWF)倡议每天关机一小时。材料给出了社会各界人士对此的看法。大家都认为过度沉溺于手机不利于人际关系(decline in the quality of their interpersonal relationships),但他们对于“每天关机一小时”的做法有不同的看法。
        第一个人(陈医生)和最后一个人(王记者)都认为这一做法有象征性意义(symbolic significance)。这有助于人们采取不同的视角(view things in a different light)去重新审视生活的重心(reevaluate their priorities);关注现实的生活(real life),做电子设备的主人(masters)而不是奴隶(slaves)。
        中间两个人则不看好这一做法(do not hold high expectations)。首先,他们认为在移动互联网时代,每天关机一小时并不可行(impractical),不能过度夸大手机的负面影响(side effects…should not be so exaggerated);其次,手机只是人们打发时间的其中一种工具,改善家庭关系的关键不是关掉手机,而是与家人相处的想法(desire to spend time with family members),将家庭关系恶化简单地归咎于电子产品并不合理(going a step too far)。