[originaltext]M: And the second time?W: Oh, the second time I did manage to gi
[originaltext]M: And the second time?W: Oh, the second time I did manage to gi
M: And the second time?
W: Oh, the second time I did manage to give up completely for a while. I was expecting… and the doctor advised me not to smoke at all. I went for about… seven or eight months… without a single cigarette.
M: Then you took it up again.
W: Yes… a couple of weeks after the baby was born. It was all right then because the baby was being bottle fed anyway.
M: Good. That’s interesting. So if you’d been breast-feeding you would have gone for longer without smoking?
W: Definitely. It’s what the doctors advise. Though not all mothers do as their doctors say…
M: Now Mrs. Trump. When do you smoke most?
W: Erm.., When I’m sitting watching TV or… or… reading a book… but especially I’m with… when I’m in company. Yes… that’s it… when I’m with friends. I never smoke when I’m doing the housework… never… There’s always too much to do.
M: Do you ever smoke at meal times?
W: I always have… one cigarette after a meal. Never on an empty stomach, which reminds me—I must be going. My husband will be waiting for his lunch. And Keith… he’s my son.
M: Just one more question and that’ll be all.
W: Well if you insist.
M: How would you describe the effect that smoking has on you?
W: What do you mean?
M: Well… Does smoking—for example—make you excitable… keep you awake…?
W: Oh no—quite the contrary. As I told you before I smoke most at times when I’m most relaxed. Though quite honestly I… don’t really know whether I smoke because I’m relaxed or… er… you know… in order to relax. Now I really must be off. Please excuse me. I see you’re… you’re carrying a tape-recorder. This won’t be on the radio, will it?
M: No, Mrs. Trump … I’m afraid not. But we do thank you all the same.
W: Right. Goodbye.
M: Goodbye, Mrs. Trump.
Questions 6 to 10 are based on what you have just heard.
6. What’s true about Mrs. Trump’s trying to give up smoking for the second time?
7. When does Mrs. Trump smoke most?
8. When does Mrs. Trump smoke the least?
9. What is Mrs. Trump in a hurry to do?
10. How does Mrs. Trump describe the effect that smoking has on her?
A、Buying some books.
B、Preparing for lunch.
C、Meeting with friends.
D、Going to her company.
( )通常作为雇员忠诚保证保险承保的标的予以承保。A.雇员的不诚实行为 B.
C60的含义是指()。A.混凝土的轴心抗压强度fc=60MPa B.C60是
猩红热邪侵肺卫证治以A.辛凉宣透,清热利咽 B.清气凉营,泻火解毒 C.养阴
下列中药中,适用于面裹煨的是A.葛根,诃子 B.木香,肉豆蔻 C.诃子,肉豆
成年初期的思维方式以( )为主A.形式逻辑思维 B.抽象逻辑思维 C.辩证
爆破工程中静电的预防措施包括()。A.采用抗静电雷管 B.在压气装药系统中采