With the increasing demands of new medicines, animal testing is in widespread
With the increasing demands of new medicines, animal testing is in widespread
With the increasing demands of new medicines, animal testing is in widespread use all over the world. The morality behind this practice is still a matter of some controversy. The following are opinions from both sides. Read the excerpts carefully and write your response in about 300 words, in which you should:
1. summarize briefly the opinions from both sides;
2. give your comment.
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Write your response on ANSWER SHEET FOUR.
A survey conducted in the American Medical Association indicates that 99% of all active physicians in the United States believe that animal research has given rise to medical advancements. In fact, about 97% of the physicians also supported the continuous use of animals for clinical and basic research.
A British organization by the name Research Defense Society (RDS) that was instituted to defend animal testing, indicates that most of the complaints made against animal testing are false and that animal testing generates invaluable information, about how new drugs would react inside a living body. The tests have to be continued in order to detect information on major health problems such as liver damage, elevated blood pressure, nerve damage, damage to the fetus, etc., that can be caused by the use of drugs.
Chris Abee, Director of the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center’s animal research facility, states that "we wouldn’t have a vaccine for hepatitis B without chimpanzees," and says that the use of chimps is "our best hope" for finding a vaccine for Hepatitis C, a disease that kills 15,000 people every year in the United States.
Animal testing has also been instrumental in saving endangered species from extinction, including the black-footed ferret, the California condor and the tamarins of Brazil. Koalas, ravaged by an epidemic of sexually transmitted chlamydia and now classified as endangered in some regions of Australia, are being tested with new chlamydia vaccines that may stall the animal’s disappearance.
Several animal rights organizations, including the People for Ethical treatment of Animals (PETA), have questioned the legitimacy of this practice wherein animals are subjected to torture in the name of "scientific research". Animal rights activists, along with animal lovers from across the world, are trying their best to get this inhumane practice outlawed.
In March 2009, the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) found 338 possible violations of the Animal Welfare Act at the federally funded New Iberia Research Center (NIRC) in Louisiana.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reports that 92 percent of the drugs, which are cleared after being successfully tested on animals fail when they are subjected to human trials. Paul Furlong, Professor of Clinical Neuroimaging at Aston University, states that "it’s very hard to create an animal model that even equates closely to what we’re trying to achieve in the human."
A 2013 study in Archives of Toxicology stated that "The low productivity of animal experiments in research areas allowing direct comparisons of mouse versus human data puts strong doubt on the usefulness of animal data as key technology to predict human safety".
Animal Testing
Nowadays, an increasing number of organizations and people are concerned about animal testing. On one hand, not only does animal testing provide benefits for human medical advances, but also it is of value for the furthering of protection of different animals species. On the other hand, adversaries claim that animals have to bear intense physical and mental suffering in the tests and the benefits of testing on animals are yet to be proved. However, personally speaking, animal testing is a far more preferable choice in medical experimentation compared with human testing.
On the positive side, there is a striking biological resemblance between animals (i.e. chimpanzees and mice) and human beings. They share the same set of organs, making it possible to apply those medicine that are proved effective in the animal tests to humans. It is an indisputable fact that as an integral part of medical research, animal testing has made an important contribution to cures and treatments of many serious diseases such as tuberculosis, cancer and leukemia. In the meantime, animals themselves could benefit from the test results. From the medical trails, scientists have gained more knowledge about the animals they test. Animal testing, therefore, plays an instrumental role in preserving endangered species.
It might be true that the medical testing sometimes poses a threat to the laboratory animals’ survival. Nevertheless, it is noteworthy that with the introduction of laws on animal protection, animal research has become highly supervised and regulated in recent decades. For instance, guidelines enacted by the Animal Welfare Act have managed to stipulate the living condition of research animals during the process of laboratory testing.
By way of conclusion, given that there is not yet anything more suitable and appropriate to replace animal experiments, it is to be considered the plus side because it serves as an effective measure to develop treatments for human diseases and promote the diversity of other animal species as well.
题目有关动物实验(animal testing)的争议,给出了正反相方的观点。支持动物实验的观点主要认为动物实验是研发新药行之有效的手段,同时也进一步保护了动物物种。而反对方则认为动物实验是不人道的,且动物实验的效果尚且不明确。根据题目的要求。考生可采取以下的布局:
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