1 BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN Thursday, May 13, 2004) -- Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfel

游客2024-10-23  0

问题 1 BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN Thursday, May 13, 2004) -- Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld Thursday arrived in the Iraqi capital on a surprise visit to rally U.S. troops, but denied his agenda was to calm the storm over prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib prison.
2 "If anybody thinks that I’m [in Iraq] to throw water on a fire, they’re wrong," Rumsfeld told reporters on board his flight to Iraq.
3 "We care about the detainees being treated fight. We care about soldiers behaving right. We care about command systems working."
4 Rumsfeld was accompanied by Gen. Richard Myers, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and a team of Pentagon attorneys, sources involved in planning the trip told CNN.
5 Rumsfeld and Myers will meet with top coalition officials in Iraq. For security reasons, details of their schedules are being kept secret. It is Rumsfeld’s fifth visit to Iraq - his last trip coming on February 23.
6 Seven soldiers face criminal charges in the abuse case, and three of them have been formally referred for court-martial. Investigations into the mistreatment continue.
7 Meanwhile, photos of the alleged abuse have prompted outrage - particularly in the Arab world - and led to days of hearings on Capitol Hill.
8 The Army has been investigating the treatment of prisoners at Abu Ghraib since January, but the case erupted last month when CBS broadcast graphic photographs of American troops posing for photographs with naked, hooded prisoners.
9 Rumsfeld has been strongly criticized for not alerting the president and Congress earlier about the pictures.
10 Lawmakers are focusing on how high up the chain of command culpability for the abuse goes.
11 while Rumsfeld and other Pentagon officials have described the abuse as an aberration, some lawmakers have suggested in their questions that the military police - who acted as guards for the prisoners - may have been taking their cues from military intelligence.
12 The author of a military report on Abu Ghraib, Maj. Gen. Antonio Taguba, has also questioned the role of military intelligence at the prison. But he told a Senate panel Tuesday that there were no "direct orders" or written policies that sanctioned the abuse of prisoners.
13 Meanwhile, Iraqi captors who recently beheaded American Nicholas Berg, 26 - an act captured on videotape by those who held him - said the killing was in part a response to the abuse of Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghralb.  [br] What can NOT be inferred from the passage?

选项 A、Three American soldiers have been charged in the military court.
B、The American Army has been investigating the mistreatment of prisoners since January.
C、Military police may have taken their cues of abusing Iraqi prisoners from CIA.
D、Some lawmakers suspected that these charged soldiers might get the orders from the higher officials in their chain of command.

答案 C

解析 辨析题。由11段的最后一句可知,美国军警可能从军方情报部门military intelligence得到虐俘暗示,而没有说是从中情局CIA得到cues。