
游客2024-10-23  0



答案                                            Music
     Music is used for many purposes today,/and not all of them involve entertainment ./It is used in advertis- ing to attract attention and to promote products . /Huge amounts of money are spent to create clever thirty- second "hits",/which subtly pressure consumers to make purchases./Mnsic is also used as a pacifier;/the music piped into elevators, supermarkets, airplanes, and shopping centers is designed to be ignored . /It serves its purpose best when it is least obvious . /This music encourages listeners to relax, slow down, and buy./ Business firms provide background music for their workers , /to blot out distracting noises and increase efficiency./ Farmers supply the same "canned" music/to their livestock to increase milk and egg production./The un- fortunate aspect of all this background music is that it has conditioned the listener to not listen./Almost in self- defense, one learns to block such music automatically.
