With more and more graduates turned out as the result of increasing enrollmen

游客2024-10-16  0

问题    With more and more graduates turned out as the result of increasing enrollment to college education, it is getting harder for them to find satisfactory employment. A big problem they encounter is sex discrimination in the job market.
   Write on ANSWER SHEET TWO a composition of about 200 words on the following topic:
                                   Sex Discrimination in the Job Market
   You are to write in three parts.
   In the first part, state specifically what your idea is.
   In the second part, provide one or two reasons to support your idea or describe your idea.
   In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.
   Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.


答案                                     Sex Discriminations in the Job Market
     Finding a job is difficult. Compared with male graduates, female graduates have more difficulties in finding a satisfactory job because of their gender. They complain that they are often treated as second-class citizens in the job market. Despite the fact that it has been written into our Constitution that women enjoy equal rights in employment, it is the unwritten sexist rules and attitudes that hinder women from getting equal opportunities in the job market.
     Based on the stereotype of sex roles in social life, men are more work-oriented while women are more family-focused. So when a man devotes himself totally to work, a woman has to spend part of her time and energy taking care of their family. This is always taken as an excuse by employers to turn down the application of a qualified woman. Furthermore, the world outside the family is traditionally believed to be the world of men. It has been dominated by men so long that when women start to ask for working rights in the "men’s world", they find it hard for them to gain equal membership and promotional opportunity. If a man and a woman both competed for a position and both were equally qualified, there is little doubt a man would get the job.
     I don’t advocate that women should be granted some privileges or preferential policies in order to eliminate sexual discrimination. I just expect women can compete and cooperate on an equal footing with men. They are selected, evaluated and prompted based on their qualifications instead of their gender. It is a cause worthy of our effort.

解析    本文是要求就求职中遇到的性别歧视现象发表你的见解,并阐明理由。文章可分为三段,第一段阐明观点,在第二段进行详细说明,最后在第三段进行简单的总结。在动笔之前,对每一段的内容安排要非常清楚,特别是对第二段中的论证内容要考虑充分。
   第一段,先简要地描述女性毕业生非常难找到工作这一现象,指出求职中存在性别歧视的现实,并在最后简要说明求职中性别歧视存在的原因:it is the unwritten sexist rules and attitudes that hinder women from getting equal opportunities in the job market.第二段,分两个方面论证求职中性别歧视存在的原因:第一个原因是…men are more work-oriented while women are more family-focused;第二个原因是…the world outside the family is traditionally believed to be the world of men,用连接词furthermore将这两点原因连接起来,形成一个整体。第三段,再次重申自己的观点,对文章内容进行总结。