Weather in the World Becomes Warm to Exhaust with Greenhouse Gas It

游客2024-10-15  0

问题          Weather in the World Becomes Warm to Exhaust with Greenhouse Gas
    It was time to get creative. In 2006, a head of government had signed a law requiring that greenhouse gases be cut 20 percent below 1990 levels by 2020 and 80 percent by 2050. The cuts will be carried out through a cap-and-trade system, like the one passed by the House of Representatives and introduced in the Senate, due to start in 2012. In an effort to reduce the cost of those greenhouse cuts, the executive reached out to his counterparts in Brazil and Indonesia, which have more than half of the world’s remaining tropical forests. Because reducing deforestation is the cheapest way to mitigate climate change in the short term, he wanted utilities and other greenhouse emitters to be able to pay state governments in Brazil and Indonesia to preserve their forests, which ranchers and loggers keep whacking .yielding the same net gain for the atmosphere as reducing their own emissions of carbon dioxide. The details—how to measure the C02 cuts, how much to pay for pre-serving forests —will be worked out in the next few months, in time to set the rules for cap-and-trade.
    The official is Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger of California, and his bilateral agreements with counterparts from Amazonas, Papua, and six other states in Brazil and Indonesia with millions of hectares of tropical forests illustrate why the impending failure to reach a new global climate accord isn’t the disaster it might have been. Think " subnational". Although the 192 countries set to meet in Copenhagen next month will not reach a legally binding treaty setting out targets for greenhousegas reductions starting in 2012, cities, states, and provinces are on track to cut greenhouse gases. They see it as a way to retool their economies, draw high-paying jobs, and establish the industries of tomorrow, leapfrogging the sclerotic global talks. California’s partnerships, for instance, will be the first time tropical forests are corralled into an international agreement. Not even the 1997 Kyoto climate treaty which requires wealthy countries to reduce their emissions of six greenhouse gases 5.2 percent from 1990 levels, does that. "We will definitely keep moving ahead," says Anthony Brunello, California’s deputy secretary for climate and energy.
    That’s the promise not only from states and provinces but also from businesses, especially those placing big bets on renewable energy and technologies to boost energy effcie-ncy. Which raises a question that makes climate activists uneasy: why, exactly, was the Copenhagen meeting painted as the do-or-die moment—" the most important meeting since the end of the second world war", one green group called it—for averting calamitous climate change?
    Seeing the falure of Copenhagen as something short of Armageddon is not contrar-ianism for contrarianism’s sake. Just to be clear, if the world had agreed on what quantity of greenhouse-gas emissions to cut by when—on " targets and timetables" , in the prevailing argot—it would have launched us down a path that could keep global warming bel we 2 degrees Celsius, relative to pre-industrial levels, which many climate scientists see as a point of no return. The meltdown of global climate talks is therefore a setback to efforts to avert the worst consequences of global warming. [br] According to the passage, many climate scientists hold the idea that______.

选项 A、renewable energy and technologies will boost energy efficiency
B、it’s hard for the global temperature to reach the pre-industrial levels
C、the Copenhagen meeting is a crucial moment for climate change
D、global talks are critical to keep off the influence of global warming

答案 B

解析 事实细节题。根据题干关键词。根据题干关键词climate scientists定位到末段。由该段第二句可知,很多气候学家认为比前工业化水平低2摄氏度是一个不可能恢复的温度点,由此可知[B]含义与之相符,故为正确答案。第三段首句只是提及一些企业在可再生能源和促进能效的科技上投了巨大赌注,而非气候学家的观点,故排除[A];[C]和[D]尽管在原文有所提及,但均非气候学家的观点,与题干要求不符,故都排除。