Control an University Logistic Number,Boycott School Fees Rise Ove

游客2024-10-15  3

问题           Control an University Logistic Number,Boycott School Fees Rise
    Over the last two decades, colleges and universities doubled their full-time support staff while enrollment increased only 40 percent, according to a new analysis of government data. During the same period, the staff of fulltime instructors, or equivalent personnel, rose about 50 percent, while the number of managers increased slightly more than 50 percent.
    The data, based on United States Department of Education filings from more than 2,782 colleges, come from 1987 to 2007, before the current recession prompted many colleges to freeze their hiring.
    Neither the report nor outside experts on college affordability went so far as to argue that the increase in support staff was directly responsible for soaring tuition. Most experts say that the largest driver of tuition increases has been the decline in state financing for higher education.
    Still, the findings raise concerns about administrative bloat, and the increasing focus on the social and residential nature of college life, as opposed to academics.
    " On a case-by-case basis, many of these hiring decisions might be good ones, but over all, it’s not a sustainable trend." Said Pat Callan, president of the National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education.
    " At a time when we’re trying to do something to hold down tuition increases," Mr. Callan added,"this gives us a pretty good clue where we ought to be looking. And it does raise questions about the conventional wisdom that you can’t do anything to control tuition without affecting academic quality."
    The growth in support staff included some jobs that did not exist 20 years ago, like environmental sustainability officers and a broad array of information technology workers. The support staff category includes many different jobs, like residential-life staff, admissions and recruitment officers, fundraisers, loan counselors,etc.
    "A lot of it is definitely trying to keep up with the Joneses," said Daniel Bennett, a labor economist, "Universities and colleges are catering more to students, trying to make college a lifestyle, not just people getting an education. There’s more social programs, more athletics, more trainers, more sustainable environmental programs."
    On average, public colleges have about 8 employees per 100 students, and private colleges about 9, according to the report.
    In the 20-year period, the report found, the greatest number of jobs added, more than 630 , 000, were instructors—but three-quarters of those were part-time. Converted to full-time equivalents, those resulted in a total of 939,000 teaching jobs, up from 614 ,000 in 1987.
    The largest number of full-time jobs added, more than 278,000 , were for support staffs, and grew to more than half a million positions in 2007, from 292,000 in 1987. Colleges also added some 65,000 management positions, almost all of them full time; all told, they had 185,000 managers in 2007, up from about 120,000 managers 20 years earlier. [br] According to Mr. Bennett, universities and colleges significantly increase the number of their full-time support staff because______.

选项 A、they needed more staff to provide more desired services for students
B、they did not want to fall behind the Jones family
C、the student number was on the increase
D、they were trying to make college more than a place to get education

答案 A

解析 推理判断题。由题干中的according to Mr.Bennett定位到第八段。由该段可知,后勤人员在努力工作,不让落在兄弟院校的后面。大学现在为学生提供更多的服务,让大学成为一种生活方式,而不仅仅是人们接受教育的场所。故[A]“学校需要更多的职员为学生提供服务”与第八段内容相符。[B]“他们不想落在琼斯一家人后面”,这是对keep upwith the Joneses的错误理解,与本文无关,故排除;[C]“学生人数在增加”这是与文章内容相符的陈述,但不是贝奈特先生给出的理由,故排除;[D]“他们想让大学不仅仅成为人们接受教育的地方”,这与第八段内容一致,但不是高校增加后勤人员的直接原因,故排除。