Two years ago, my parents started collecting their Social Security checks,

游客2024-10-13  0

问题      Two years ago, my parents started collecting their Social Security checks, thereby confirming what I had always thought them to be old. When they talked to me about the need to save for my future, I’d just roll my eyes and turn up my stereo. Me, I was never going to be old.
     College is a bubble of youthful idealism, nurturing the naive belief that young is forever, old is for parents. Several semesters and dozens of weekends separate most of us from entering the work-force, so how can we be expected to comprehend retirement? We see the money deducted from our part-time jobs that allows our grandparents to retire to Florida, but we never think for a moment that when we get that age, we won’t be able to retire in style-or at all. But this is the picture President Bush painted for us in his assault on our Social Security system at a White House forum last Tuesday and in his State of the Union address on Wednesday.
     "If you’re 20 years old, in your mid-20s, and you’re beginning to work, I want you to think about a Social Security system that will be flat bust, bankrupt, unless the United States Congress has got the willingness to act now," Bush told the forum, using his usual rhetoric of impending doom. He argues that the best way to avoid catastrophe is to privatize the system, giving me and my fellow classmates more choice in how we prepare for retirement through personal accounts and investments. The inevitable outcry of opposition soon followed, with critics arguing that the money needed for such an overhaul and the people it would disadvantage are not worth the change Bush suggests.
     I went in search of student opinion here at Michigan State with the intention of keeping politics and Social Security reform separate. We are, after all, talking about the financial future of generations to come, not something that should be decided on a partisan whim. But, to neglect the politics involved ultimately skews the whole issue, because .anything that involves allocating resources automatically becomes political. And as an inherent cynic about all politicians, I can’t help but wonder if Bush truly has the best interest of my generation in mind. Through four years of his administration, be has barely acknowledged our needs and now he wants to save us from a threat looming a half century away? I can’t help but be a little skeptical. [br] The author’s pursuit of student opinions in Michigan turned out to be a failure because _________.

选项 A、the author is skeptical
B、it is hard to keep politics and social security reform separate
C、Bush does not have best wishes of any generation
D、Bush promised to do something but never make good on his promise

答案 B

解析 细节题。文章第四段提到:“…,to neglect the politics involved ultimately skews the whole is sue,because any thing that involves allocating resources automatically becomes political.”(忽视与之有关的政治因素最终使我的调查偏离了原来的设想,原因是任何涉及到国家资金分配的事情必然会与政治挂上钩。),所以正确答案是B。