Vacation [audioFiles]2013q2/audio_ezfj_082_20135[/audioFiles]

游客2024-10-12  0

问题 Vacation


答案                                 Vacation
    Vacations are a chance to take a break from work, / see the world and enjoy time with family. / But do they make you happier?
    Researchers from the Netherlands set out to measure the effect that /vacations have on overall happiness and how long it lasts. / They studied happiness levels among 1,530 Dutch adults, / 974 of whom took a vacation during the 32-week study period. / The study showed that the largest lift in happiness / comes from the simple act of planning a vacation. / In the study, the effect of vacation anticipation lifted happiness for eight weeks.
    After the vacation, happiness quickly dropped back to baseline levels for most people. / How much stress or relaxation a traveler experienced on the trip appeared / to influence post-vacation happiness. / There was no post-trip happiness benefit for travelers / who said the vacation was "neutral" or "stressful".(140 words)

解析     这是一篇关于度假的短文。在往年的真题中,也曾经出现过类似主题的听写素材。从以往的阅卷情况来看,有相当数量的考生会把“vacation”拼写成“vocation”,类似的容易拼错的词语还有“privilege”, “rabbit”, “habit”,“efficient”,这需要考生在平时的练习中多加注意,避免犯错。