Jogging became popular some twenty years ago and has remained a favorite way

游客2024-10-10  0

问题     Jogging became popular some twenty years ago and has remained a favorite way of keeping fit for lots of people. If you have never tried it and are normally healthy, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t start jogging today! It is basically running at a steady speed over short or long distances. It is a form of exercise which can be enjoyed by males and females of any age. Teenagers can jog and so, with caution, can people in their seventies and eighties. Most people jog for half an hour or forty-five minutes each day but you can jog longer if you choose!
    One of the main advantages of jogging has over many other sports is that it can be done anywhere. People jog around college campuses, around housing estates, in parks, in the countryside and even in urban areas. Special courts, fields, pitches and running tracks are not necessary. Similarly, no special equipment is required—no costly hats, rackets or balls—and no expensive sports kit. Good quality running shoes are advisable but, otherwise the jogger can simply wear loose, comfortable clothing. Special jogging suits are widely available these days and can be bought quite cheaply but these are not essential.
    In addition to being able to jog anywhere, you can also jog at any time, in any season! It’s not unusual to see joggers exercising in the height of summer or in the depths of winter! Jogging is a solo sport. You don’t need to wait until you have gathered a team or found a partner. You can jog alone. There’s no harm, of course, in jogging with a friend or partner and you may even prefer to have the company and motivation which a companion provides— but only if it’s convenient. One of the greatest freedoms of jogging is simply being able to do it, whether it’s early in the morning or late at night. A few words of warning, however; lone female joggers should be especially careful to choose sensible jogging routes, particularly at night time, to minimize the risk of inviting unsolicited interest.
    The act of jogging doesn’t require any special training or skill. You do need to be basically healthy(and, if you are in any doubt, you should consult your doctor)but then, after a few basic warm-up bends and stretches, you are ready to begin. You simply start running, gently, and then build up to a steady pace. You then maintain that pace over your chosen distance. Jogging is not sprinting. So do not over-tire yourself by trying to go too fast. A steady, comfortable pace is your aim. Don’t overdo things.
    Jogging is excellent for keeping fit. It’s good for the lungs, the heart and the circulation. It’s easy and convenient. Why don’t you try it? If you require more information, talk to one of the instructors at the sports centre. We’re only too happy to help. Please remember: if you do decide to jog, talk to your doctor first if you have any health worries. And, ladies, do not jog alone in quiet places, especially after dark. Happy Jogging! [br] All of the following suggestions are correct EXCEPT that______.

选项 A、you should not over-tire yourself by trying to go too fast
B、special jogging suits and shoes are essential
C、ladies shouldn’t jog alone in quiet places alter dark
D、you should talk to your doctor first if you have any health worries

答案 B

解析 细节题。文章第二段提到没有必要购买专用的跑鞋或慢跑服装,穿宽松舒服的衣服即可,所以选[B]。[A]”不应该试图跑快导致过度疲劳”、[C]”女士在天黑后不要独自在安静的地方慢跑”和[D]”如果有健康问题,应该向医生咨询”这三项在文中第三、四以及五段都可以找到。