Where have many large cities sprung up according to the conversation? [br] [ori

游客2024-10-09  0

问题 Where have many large cities sprung up according to the conversation? [br]  
W: You’re an expert on urban problem, Mr. Cross. [1] I wonder how you would describe the characteristics of these enormous cities which have sprung up in Asia and Latin America?
M: The first point to make is that they are different from large cities in Europe and America.
W: Surely all large cities are essentially similar.
M: It’s true that in all large cities there are the same problems of provision of housing and services, but the difference lies in the time factor.
W: Surely some of the cities we are considering are just as old and, in some cases, much older, than cities in the United States, for instance.
M: Very true, but the large cities of Europe and the United States grew relatively slowly. [2] London had a population of more than a million at the beginning of the nineteenth century and this number grew for more than a hundred years until it reached its maximum of more than eight million. And this growth was parallel to industrial growth throughout the country. The same is true of New York, for example.
W: But this is not true of Mexico City or Buenos Aries?
M: No, it is not. [3] Throughout Latin America and in parts of Asia, cities have grown much faster than industry, or agriculture for that matter. Some of these cities have quadrupled in size in less than two decades, while industrial growth over the same period may only have reached thirty or forty percent.

选项 A、the two speakers are the student and the professor.
B、the development of Iarge cities in the developing countries is not balanced.
C、the large cities in the developing countries grew as rapidly as those in the developed countries.
D、it’s easy to solve the problems of the large cities.

答案 B

解析 对话最后Mr. Cross谈到,在整个拉丁美洲和亚洲某些地方,城市规模发展很快,远远超过工业和农业的发展速度,由此可推断出在发展中国家,城市发展是不平衡的,即选项B。