
游客2024-10-09  0



答案                                   Different Media
   With the introduction of radio, /newspaper publishers wondered how broadcasting would affect them. /Many feared that radio as a quick and easy means of keeping people informed would displace the newspaper industry altogether. /Others hoped that the brief newscast heard on the air would stimulate listeners in the story so they’d buy the paper to get more information. /This second idea turned out to be closer to the truth. /Radio and print were not substitutes for each other but actually supported each other. /You see the relationship between different media is not always one of displacement but can be one of reinforcement. /However this is not always the ease. /Take television and motion pictures for example, /with the popularization of TV, /the motion picture industry suffered greatly.  /Movie attendance dropped when audience members chose to stay at home and be entertained. /Likewise, when a football game was shown on the air, /the stands were often empty because fans chose to watch the game at home. /

解析 这篇听写的内容不难理解,但是短文的长单词相对较多,可能会影响记录的速度。另外,stimulate,reinforcement,stands等词汇,在初听的时候可能不能正确理解和捕捉,对其所在句子的理解也可能造成困扰,考生应在这些方面强化练习。