Last year, 35 percent of final year students expected to enter the graduate

游客2024-10-08  1

问题      Last year, 35 percent of final year students expected to enter the graduate job market, compared with 49 percent in 1998; the number wanting to start their own business has risen from 35 percent to 43 percent in five years.
     Jason Frank, the marketing and research director at the communications agency SAS, says this creates tough competition for the good graduates. "Companies are finding it difficult and expensive to attract top talent," he says. "The people doing this sort of thing (running their own businesses) are often the sort of people that they want."
     The supermarket giant Sainsbury’s conducted a lot of research into what graduates wanted in an employer and used this information to develop appealing graduate advertising. Unfortunately, the reality didn’t always match the glitz. "People would say things such as, ’Where’s my office?’ but there wasn’t one--it’s working on the shop floor," says the director of the recruitment department. This mismatch was one of the reasons cited when people left the scheme early. "Where it becomes difficult for us is that retail isn’t seen as a sexy career. In the past we’ve fallen into the trap of trying to compete about being sexy, but now we’re looking at what the job actually involves. Let’s be really honest with them about what life’s going to look like." Now graduates know before they start that they will be expected to work hard on the shop floor in return for early responsibility, such as running their own team.
     Frank says that a warts-and-all approach to recruitment marketing will probably reduce the number of applicants, but should also make sure the people who do apply are a better fit for the company. "When people go in with the wrong expectations everyone’s wasting their time. The student starts on a bad note, there’s not a cultural fit, he might not have the right skills and the company will spend £100,000 training him and he will be gone in two years," Frank advises companies to use a niche marketing approach that targets segments of the student population, rather than trying to get everyone on every campus to read their brochure. It’s also up to students to ensure that they think carefully about what work environment will suit them. Frank says that many fail to do any research at all. "They end up sending out applications to the companies that they have heard of in campus advertising, regardless of whether they truly know what the company does." [br] From the passage we can infer that "a warts-and-all approach to recruitment" is one that ______.

选项 A、tries to make the recruiting business sexy
B、is honest with graduates about what the job actually involves
C、creates great expectations in applying graduates
D、makes high demands for job applicants

答案 B

解析 warts-and-all的意思是“实实在在的、坦诚的”,文章第三段介绍了Sainsbury’s公司在人才招募策略上的经验,第四段一开始由Frank谈像Sainsbury’s公司这样的招募策略的得与失,根据上下文可知此题应选B。