The stunningly slow pace of job creation, which sank to growth of just 32,00

游客2024-10-04  1

问题     The stunningly slow pace of job creation, which sank to growth of just 32,000 in July, has provided new ammunition in an intense political debate over job quality.
    For months, Democrats have said that the long-delayed employment recovery was concentrated in low-wage jobs that paid far less than those that were lost. White House officials replied that the available data failed to settle the matter one way or the other.
    The data is still inconclusive. But the weakness in job creation and the apparent weakness in high-paying jobs may be opposite sides of a coin. Companies still seem cautious, relying on temporary workers and anxious about rising health care costs associated with full-time workers. Many economists say that over the long term, the most vulnerable positions are those at the low end of the wage scale that require fewer skills and are easily replicated.
    Even now, at a time when a disproportionate number of new jobs appear to be lower-paying ones, there has been growth in some high-income occupations like accounting, architecture and software.
    Yet the earnings gap between the highest-paid employees and the rest of the work force is still widening, as it has over most of the last 30 years. The trend is most striking in factories, which accounted for the bulk of job losses in the last three years and tended to pay above-average wages.
    In contrast to previous recoveries, when companies rehired a large proportion of laid-off workers, manufacturers have added only 91,000 jobs this year, having eliminated more than two million jobs in the previous three years.
    The largely permanent decline in manufacturing employment, which has been more acute after this recession than in previous ones, spans all levels from blue-collar workers through senior management. It has coincided with a bulge in the number of jobs in low-paying fields that are comparatively easy to enter: retail sales, hotel services and clerical work. [br] Which of the following titles is most appropriate to the passage?

选项 A、It’s Not Just the Jobs Lost, but the Pay in the New Ones.
B、The New Ammunition: Slow Pace of Job Creation.
C、Earnings Gap to Be Solved.
D、The Verso of a Coin.

答案 A

解析 文章1—3段揭示了在失业率持续居高的情况下,新的就业职位增长缓慢,而新工作比失去的工作工资更低,许多公司因不愿承担日益增长的员工医疗保险费用而雇用临时工。第4、5段指出了过去30年来一直存在的工资收入两极化的问题在近3年来更趋严重。文章最后两段指出失业问题在制造业尤为尖锐,因新增职位多为低薪的零售、服务、文秘人员,由此,可以判断A为正确选项。