How big is the circulation of the paper the man work for? [br] [originaltext]W:

游客2024-09-30  1

问题 How big is the circulation of the paper the man work for? [br]  
W: What’s the biggest difference between local and national papers?
M: A local paper circulates only in a particular area. They always have small circulations, sometimes only 2,000.
W: Now, you work for a local paper, don’t you? How big is its circulation?
M: It’s about 28,000.
W: Oh, not bad. What about the national papers?
M: They can have huge circulations, four million, even eight million.
W: But The Times and The Guardian, they have much smaller circulations.
M: Yes, but they are what we call "quality paper". They’re different.
W: How are they different?
M: Well, first of all, there’s a big difference in the sort of readers the two papers get. They’ll give you a different angle to the news.
W: How will they treat it differently?
M: I remember an example. Last year an examiner refused to give a girl a driving test, because he thought her skirt was too short.
W: Yes?
M: In one of the popular papers, The Daily Mirror in fact, this was on the front page, eight paragraphs, with a picture of the girl. But in one quality paper, The Daily Telegraph, the same story was on a back page and only two paragraphs and a photo about it.
W: That’s really different.

选项 A、It must be a national newspaper.
B、It must have a circulation over one million.
C、It should print long new stories.
D、It should give a different angle to the news.

答案 D

解析 事实推理题。在对话中男士把大众报纸The Daily Mirror和严肃报纸The Daily Telegraph两份报纸对同一个事件的新闻报道做了比较,说明严肃报纸应该给读者不同的视角,所以选择D项。