
游客2024-09-30  18



答案                              Farming in the City
    For many years, people in cities have depended on farmers /in rural areas to grow fruits and vegetables. /But now a new generation of farmers is planting crops in urban areas. /There are a lot of neighborhoods that don’t have access to healthy, fresh produce. /And if they do, it can be very expensive. /So we see unused space as a great place to grow food /that will make it more accessible for people. /One of the goals of the urban farm is /to show city people the joys of growing food. /We’d like to expand as much as we can where there are empty lots /that have ample amounts of sunlight, /that have access to water and that have a community rallying around projects. /But the growth of these farms is limited /because cities have restrictions on urban farms. /Now some states are considering changing those laws.

解析     本文的主题:城市中种庄稼。第一句和第二句是短文的核心,要特别留意一对反义词,“rural”和“urban”。同时,文中的同根词也是听写的突破口,如“access”和“accessible”;“grow”和“growing”。第三句要特别注意“produce”不要写成“product”,第七句的“lots”(地块)不要写成“plots”。