For anyone who doubts that the texting revolution is upon us, consider this:

游客2024-09-29  1

问题     For anyone who doubts that the texting revolution is upon us, consider this: The average 13- to 17-year-old sends and receives 3,339 texts a month—more than 100 per day, according to the Nielsen Co., the media research firm. Adults are catching up. People from age 45 to 54 sent and received 323 texts a month in the second quarter of 2010, up 75% from a year ago, Nielsen says.
    Behind the texting explosion is a fundamental shift in how we view our mobile devices. That they are phones is increasingly beside the point.
    Part of what’s driving the texting surge among adults is the popularity of social media. Sites like Twitter, with postings of no more than 140 characters, are creating and reinforcing the habit of communicating in micro-bursts.
    Economics has much to do with texting’s popularity. Text messages cost carriers less than traditional mobile voice transmissions, and so they cost users less. Sprint Nextel has reconceived its Virgin Mobile brand to cater to heavy texters in a difficult economy. For $25 per month, users get unlimited texting, email, social networking and 300 talk minutes; for another $15, they get an additional 900 talk minutes. The name of the brand’s new wireless plan: "Beyond Talk."
    Texting’s rise over conversation is changing the way we interact, social scientists and researchers say. We are now inclined to text to relay difficult information. We stare at our phone when we want to avoid eye contact. Rather than make plans in advance, we engage in what researchers have named "micro-coordination"—"I’ll txt u in 10 mins when I know wh/restrnt."
    Texting saves us time, but it steals from quiet reflection. "When people have a mobile device and have even a little extra time, they will communicate with someone in their life," says Lee Rainie, Director of the Pew Internet and American Life Project.
    And the phone conversation will never be completely out. Deal makers and other professionals still spend much of the day on the phone. Researchers say people are more likely to use text-based communication at the preliminary stages of projects. The phone comes into play when there are multiple options to consider or important decisions to be made. [br] Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a cause for texting’s popularity?

选项 A、Redesign of mobile devices.
B、Rise of social media.
C、Promotion of cheaper wireless packages.
D、Increase in the number of adult texters.

答案 A

解析 第3段第1句提到,成年人使用短信激增的部分原因是社交媒体的流行,B中的rise是原文popularity的同义替换。第4段主要讲经济因素对短信流行的影响,并举例运营商对短信提供大幅优惠,还推出了新款无线套餐(wireless plan),C“更便宜无线套餐促销”是对该段内容的概括。D“使用短信的成年人数量增加”在第1段提到、该段用数据说明短信革命的到来,除了青少年,成年人也在大量使用短信,因而D也属短信兴起的原因之一。A“移动设备的重新设计”无原文依据,为本题答案。