Miss Parkinson became interested in her own business ______. [br] [originaltext

游客2024-09-29  1

问题 Miss Parkinson became interested in her own business ______. [br]  
M: So, Miss Parkinson, you organize fitness training and beauty treatments for working women?
W: That’s right, Mr. Cruise.
M: Could you tell me how you first got the idea for the business?
W: Certainly. I suppose it all started about 5 years ago. I was on holiday and had a very bad skiing accident. I found that the only thing that helped the pain was massage and gentle exercise, like yoga or stretching exercises. So I used to go to therapists and classes after work.
M: Where did you work at that time?
W: In the training department of a media company.
M: I see.
W: But then I got a promotion to training manager. That meant I worked longer hours and was difficult to get to classes. I asked some of my teachers if they would come to my house instead, and most of them agreed. It was more expensive but I thought it was worth it. Lots of my friends loved the idea too. So I recommended people to them. That’s when I began to realize that maybe I could make a business out of it.
M: Did you give up your job then?
W: No, not immediately. The idea was too scary. I had a good job with a good salary, and starting my own business seemed a bit risky. So I just did it at a hobby really.
M: So why did you leave your job in the end?
W: Well, the decision was made for me really. My company decided to relocate to a different town. They offered me the choice of relocating with them or quite a large sum of money if I preferred to leave. I know an opportunity when I see it. So I took the money!
M: Good for you.

选项 A、She recommended people to take classes.
B、She was willing to pay more for classes at home.
C、She left her job immediately after her promotion.
D、She regarded the business as a pastime at first.

答案 C

解析 男士问女士当时有没有辞职,女士说没有马上辞职(not immediately),C项left her job immediately与之不符,为本题答案。A“介绍人去上课”、B“愿意付更多钱在家上课”和D“起初把生意当作消遣”都与对话相符。