Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a difference between the one-bedroom

游客2024-09-29  1

问题 Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a difference between the one-bedroom and two-bedroom apartments? [br]  
W: Good afternoon. ABC Apartments. May I help you?
M: Yes, I’m interested in renting a one-bedroom apartment. Do you have any available?
W: No, I’m sorry. None are available at this time, but I expect a vacancy in about three weeks. Could I interest you in a two-bedroom?
M: Well, I’m a student and I have to cut corners. How much more would a two-bedroom apartment cost me?
W: This one-bedroom rents for $150 a month and the two-bedroom is only 35 dollars more.
M: Is the two bedroom a great larger than the one-bedroom?
W: Yes, it is. Also, I might tell you that the one-bedroom doesn’t have a dishwasher. All of our two-bedroom apartments do.
M: What about signing a lease?
W: We do require a 6-month lease, and there is a deposit of $100 in case any damage is done to the apartment.
M: When could I see an apartment?
W: How about later this afternoon? Let’s see. I have an appointment at half past three and another at four. How about five o’clock this afternoon?
M: That would be fine. I’ll pick my wife up from work and we’ll come right over.
W: I’ll be looking forward to seeing you then.
M: Thank you. Good bye.

选项 A、He hasn’t signed the lease yet.
B、He has two appointments this afternoon.
C、The superintendent will not be available until then.
D、His wife has to work.

答案 C
