It is common knowledge that drug abuse leads to harmful consequences. Why t

游客2024-09-28  1

问题      It is common knowledge that drug abuse leads to harmful consequences. Why then do people—particularly youngsters continue to use drugs?
     Psychologists claim that there are three basic motivations that influence people to take drugs: curiosity, stress and environmental factors. Sometimes, youngsters take drugs simply because they are curious. Taking drugs seems to be the "in thing" for their generation, so they want to know what drugs are like. The trouble is that they do not know that taking soft and seemingly unharmful drugs can develop into cravings for stronger stuff later on. In some cases, youngsters are depressed or frustrated because of problems related to parents, school or the opposite sex. They take drugs to escape from the stress brought on by all these problems. In other cases, the environment is conductive to taking drugs. If, for instance, a youngster belongs to a community, school, or peer group where other youngsters take drugs, he may soon be tempted to follow suit, for fear of rejection or non-acceptance of his fellows.
    There is a growing consensus nowadays among social workers and psychologists that the best possible approach to the problem of drug addiction among the young is for school authorities, social workers and the Police Narcotics Division to work together to provide young people with much-needed education on the effects and dangers of drug abuse. Moreover, parents can do a great job in leading children away from drugs. They should spend more time with their children, listening and talking to them. Most importantly, parents should show them attention, concern and love. Parents who always scream at their children and nag them about their failings and weaknesses are regarded as unwitting drug pushers. As far as young people are concerned, a warm and happy family, wherein members share both joys and sorrows and where children get maximum encouragement and support, is the best bulwark against the onslaughts of drugs. It is no exaggeration to say that a happy home is a drug free home. [br] Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a reason why some youngsters take soft drugs?

选项 A、They think that soft drugs are not harmful.
B、They wonder what drugs are like.
C、They are disturbed by problems.
D、Their parents are drug takers.

答案 D

解析 事实细节题。文章第一段很详细地解释了年轻人为什么会服食软性毒品,主题句中简要介绍的原因有三:好奇、压力和周围的环境。用排除法解答,我们可以在文中找到A 项:他们认为软性毒品没什么伤害,B 项:他们对此感到好奇, C 项:他们碰到一些烦恼的事。而D 项所说由于他们的父母是吸毒者文中并未提及,即为答案。