______ senators vote for the bill. [originaltext] The United States Senate ha

游客2024-09-28  1

问题 ______ senators vote for the bill.
The United States Senate has voted in favor of one of President Obama’s key domestic policies, [24C] the extension of health-care to 30 million uninsured Americans. [23B]The bill was passed by 60 votes to 39.
    Since the beginning of the last century, it’s been the dream of liberal Americans to provide their country with universal health-care. That is now a step closer. [24C]This bill would give cover to more than 30 million Americans who currently don’t have it, making it compulsory to have insurance and stopping insurance companies from refusing to cover people who are ill or who get sick.

选项 A、30.

答案 B

解析 本题考查数字信息,听音时应做好相关记录。由新闻中提到的The bill was passed by 60 votesto 39可知,该法案以60:39通过,也就是说有60张赞成票。故本题选[B]。