________ both sides accept the agreement _________ a lasting peace be establishe

游客2024-09-28  1

问题 ________ both sides accept the agreement _________ a lasting peace be established in this region.

选项 A、Only if, will
B、If only, would
C、Should, will
D、Unless, would

答案 A

解析 本题考查连词短语辨析。only if表示“只有当”,所引导的从句位于句首时后面的主句要采取部分倒装的形式。If only表示“但愿”,如:If only it weren’t so hot now!  它也可表示“只要,要是”,如:If only it stops raining,we can go for a picnic.should可以位于从句前,引导一个条件从句,但所假设的事情一般不会发生,而且后面的主句不用倒装,如:Should you ever need anything,please contact me.D从意思上讲不符合,若一定要用unless,应为:Unless both sides accept the agreement,a lasting peace will not be established in this region.本题译文:只有双方都同意这一协议,这一地区才有可能建立起持久的和平。