What did Lebanese protestors demand? [originaltext] Hundreds of thousands of

游客2024-09-27  0

问题 What did Lebanese protestors demand?
Hundreds of thousands of Lebanese protestors clogged the streets of downtown Beirut Sunday in another mass demonstration aimed at bringing down the government.
     Opposition members flooded into central Beirut from all directions, wearing the bright orange, yellow and green banners of their respective parties, heeding the call by Hezbellah leader Hassan Nasrallah. The demonstration seemed nearly as large as the massive protest march that launched the anti-government street campaign 9 days earlier. Since then, several thousand people, mostly pro-Syrian Hezbellah supporters, have been camping in tents outside the main government building known as the Grand Serail, demanding what they call a national unity government in which the opposition would hold enough seats to veto decisions.

选项 A、A mass demonstration.
B、A national unity government.
C、Three fourths of the seats in Congress.
D、Cooperation of the government.

答案 B
