What are contemporary Americans accustomed to?A、Visiting their neighbors. B、Lea

游客2024-09-27  1

问题 What are contemporary Americans accustomed to?

选项 A、Visiting their neighbors.
B、Leaving their old friends and making new friends.
C、Living all their lives in one community.
D、Saying hello to people they meet on the streets.

答案 B

解析 细节题。文章说当今美国人经常搬家,带来的变化就是很少有机会同邻居交往,对友谊的态度比较随意,他们更习惯于离开老朋友不断地结交新朋友。题干问的是当代美国人习惯做的事情,首先排除C和D;文中提到,因为人们经常搬家,所以没有机会认识他们的邻居,排除A。所以B为正确答案。