Which of the following details is INCORRECT?A、Reports from the Israeli governmen

游客2024-09-26  1

问题 Which of the following details is INCORRECT?

选项 A、Reports from the Israeli government said that a ceasefire deal had already been reached.
B、Palestinian militants have said they are prepared to announce a ceasefire under no circumstances.
C、There has been no ceasefire announced but the atmosphere is increasingly positive.
D、Mr.Abbassays he has made significant progress towards persuading militant groups to agree to a ceasefire.

答案 B

解析 细节判断题。此题要求找出与原文细节不符的一个选项。解题关键是要把握全文。根据文中最后一句“巴勒斯坦好战组织已经表示他们不准备宣布停火除非以色列停止攻击他们”,可知巴勒斯坦好战组织宣布停火是有条件的,因此选项B与原文细节不符。故正确答案为B。