What does the woman imply about the sea monsters?A、She always believes they do e

游客2024-09-26  1

问题 What does the woman imply about the sea monsters?

选项 A、She always believes they do exist.
B、She has heard about them in New Zealand.
C、Stories about them may be based on giant squids.
D、The instructor mentioned them in the lecture.

答案 C

解析 观点态度题。对话中女士转述了老师课堂上讲述的不同寻常的案例,这使得男士想到了海里的怪物的故事。女士没有驳斥海怪的存在,而是猜测或许真的存在一些不为人所知的、超出人们想象之外被人们叫做“怪”物的大的海洋生物。结合四个选项.最佳答案应该是C项。