What was NOT the result of this explosion?A、Hamas abandoned the ceasefire. B、Se

游客2024-09-26  1

问题 What was NOT the result of this explosion?

选项 A、Hamas abandoned the ceasefire.
B、Seven Palestinian civilians were killed.
C、Some attacks and counterattacks took place.
D、Nobody would trust Israeli military any more.

答案 D

解析 细节判断题。此题涉及到新闻内容的面比较广,需要关注新闻的几个要点。新闻开始的几个句子对我们很有帮助,例如:“……这起爆炸造成了7名巴勒斯坦人死亡。”“爆炸过后,军事组织哈马斯摈弃了6个月的停火协议,导致双方一段时间的袭击和回击。”可帮我们有效地排除前3项。留下的D项自然是要选的答案了。