According to a study published this week in the journal Ecology Letters, the

游客2024-09-25  1

问题     According to a study published this week in the journal Ecology Letters, the quantity of birds in Europe has declined by more than 20 percent in the past 30 years. While there were over 2.1 billion European birds in 1980, there are now around 1. 6 billion, says study co-author Rich Inger, an ecologist at the University of Exeter in the United Kingdom.
    Most of the decline—or 90 percent—is accounted for by a shrinking population in the 36 most common species, Inger tells Newsweek. For example, throughout the continent there are now 62 percent fewer house sparrows(a common species also found in North America)than there were when Margaret Thatcher became prime minister, a decline of about 150 million animals, he says. There were also drops in the numbers of such common species as skylarks(云雀), grey partridges(灰色鹧鸪)and starlings(椋鸟).
    The decline is likely due in part to habitat loss and pesticide use. The amount of land used for agriculture in Europe has greatly increased since 1980, and there are fewer places for birds to nest and find food, Inger says. At the same time, pesticide use has gone up, knocking down the number of "pests" like insects that birds prey upon, he adds. "We don’t manage the environment in a way that’s good for birds," Inger says.
    The study looked at an immense amount of data collected by thousands of "citizen scientists" over 30 years in most countries in Europe, in "an insightful departure from conventional approaches to reviewing bird monitoring data," said Michael Wunder, an ornithologist(鸟类学家)at the University of Colorado-Denver who wasn’t involved in the study. Wunder says the study clearly shows that " population sizes are most strongly affected by land use patterns" like farming. The measures used to protect rare species, like restrictions on hunting in certain areas, are not enough to prevent a decline in common birds, he adds.
    If we want to protect birds in general, we need to change farming practices to provide more non-crop-laden land for birds, Inger says. Reducing pesticides would also help, as research has shown that areas with high pesticide use have fewer birds. "What we can do is start more environmentally friendly farming," Inger says. "We can leave wider margins on fields, get farmers to look after hedgerows(灌木篱墙), put up more bird boxes and provide places for birds to nest. " [br] All the following statements can be inferred from Paragraph Four EXCEPT that______.

选项 A、the study method was different from the conventional ones
B、an outsider of a research can give an objective comment on the finding
C、land use patterns have a great impact on the quantity of birds
D、the present bird protection measures are not very effective

答案 B

解析 推断题。由题干定位至第四段。第四段第一句为鸟类学家Michael Wunder对该项研究的评价。虽然该句中指出这位鸟类学家并没有参与此项研究,但也没有任何迹象说明不参加该项研究的人员所给出的评价更加客观,故[B]为答案。