Honesty is a virtue, and telling a lie is morally wrong. But how can you【C1】

游客2024-09-25  1

问题     Honesty is a virtue, and telling a lie is morally wrong. But how can you【C1】______ if someone’s lying? The answer is, they’re probably not. Traditional economics says that people are【C2】______ beings who will lie if it’s【C3】______their advantage. A recent university study has shown that, actually, we’re pretty honest— especially when we’re at home.
    Researchers in Germany phoned people at home and asked them to【C4】______a coin. There was a strong financial【C5】______to fake the result: if the coin landed tails-up, the participant would receive money or a gift【C6】______, while if the coin landed heads-up, they would get nothing. Because they were on the phone, they knew there was no【C7】______of getting caught if they lied. And yet people revealed the truth【C8】______they would receive nothing. Over hundreds of tosses a coin will land tails-up【C9】______50% of the time. In this study over half the people(55. 6%)asked said that the coin landed heads-up. Most of diem didn’t pursue the reward at the【C10】______of honesty.
    Previous studies had found mat people were more【C11】______. In those laboratory studies 75% of people,【C12】______some who faked the results, reported a winning coin and claimed a reward. So me research team【C13】______ it’s being in our own home which makes us play fair.【C14】______, what motivates people to do so remains【C15】______.
    In fact, both types of study show people are surprisingly【C16】______. Even in me laboratory, 25% of people【C17】______a reward by telling the truth. The researchers say this is because honesty is highly valued and people deem honesty is me【C18】______for doing everything well. We care about our reputation and our sense of ourselves as【C19】______people. So lying has a psychological cost and it seems mis cost【C20】______ the financial benefits of lying. [br] 【C4】

选项 A、toss

答案 A

解析 动词辨析题。句意为:德国的研究人员给在家的人打电话,要求他们投掷硬币。这组动词都有“抛、投、掷”的意思,其区别是:toss指无目的地、轻轻地、随意地掷或扔,所扔或掷的东西一般都比较轻。fling指用力投掷,或因感情激动而粗暴地或漫无目的地扔东西。heave指把重物举起后扔出。hurl通常指用力投掷,动作迅猛,所投掷的距离也较远。原文是投掷硬币,且toss the coin为惯用搭配,所以[A]toss为答案。