Each time Kristy Ingram takes a run, her apps are up and running before she
Each time Kristy Ingram takes a run, her apps are up and running before she
Each time Kristy Ingram takes a run, her apps are up and running before she even takes off.
" I use technology every time I run, because I track my runs, and it keeps track of how far I ran, how many calories I burned, and what the time was, where I ran, what time of day. "
Like so many exercise enthusiasts carrying a Smartphone. "It has my total amount of runs that I’ve ever ran. " She likes to keep a close eye on the progress she’s making. But when the run is finished, the data remains stored on the app, and a study just released by data intelligence firm Evidon shows that 20 of the most-used health apps are sharing information with third-party companies.
"Mobile applications are using third-party data collection and advertising tools in order to monetize those applications. It happens across all types of apps, including ones that users may find fairly sensitive, like health and fitness, wellness applications. "
The apps in this study cover everything from running apps to apps that let women track their menstrual cycles. Many of the companies behind the apps insist they’re only sharing analytics about apps’ functionality and use, not any identifiable information about users’ identity or health. And they say that’s no different from the tracking that many popular websites engage in.
" An advertiser might be interested in your location if they sell energy drinks or smoothies, and so they may look for where is this person, where did he complete his run, and how close is the nearest smoothie place so that I can advertise a special on a smoothie to him. "
Sports psychologist Melinda Nicci says it’s only natural that we would be more concerned about a device storing data related to our bodies and health.
" When you go on a social networking site, you can be a certain person or you can create a persona for yourself. But with health tracking, it’s real metrics and real sensors tracking things that are completely real and in real time a lot of the time as well. So, I think there’s a kind of vulnerability about giving that much away that we can’t control. "
The information these health apps track may be a goldmine for advertisers, but it could be even more valuable to health insurance companies. And they are, indeed, moving into the apps business and making partnerships with companies like Map My Fitness. But that app’s policy explicitly states that users must opt in before any data is shared with an insurance company.
Many of the companies behind the most popular health apps go to great strides to try and keep their users’ information private, but apps are businesses, too, so they have to look for innovative and creative ways to make money, which could make information about us and our bodies more and more valuable. [br] Which of the following about health apps is TRUE?
A、Few of the health apps share information with third-party companies.
B、Data stored on mobile applications can be used for economic purposes.
C、The applications can not be used to collect the sensitive personal data.
D、Third-party companies only share analytics about apps’ functionality and use.
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