Why does the woman go to see the man? [br] [originaltext]W: Hi, Professor Lyon.

游客2024-09-24  1

问题 Why does the woman go to see the man? [br]  
W: Hi, Professor Lyon.
M: Oh, hello, Patricia. How is it going?
W: OK, I guess…Well, actually, there’s something I wanted to discuss with you. [lD]It’s about my major.
M: Your major?
W: Um yeah. I’ve been thinking about this for a little while now [ID] I think I shouldn’t have majored in architecture, so I’ve been thinking of switching to a different course, like um art.
M: Uh why do you want to change over from architecture to art, Patricia?
W: Actually, when I first entered the university, I really wanted to major in art but my parents said there was no money in art, and they wanted me to follow in my dad’s footsteps. [2A] He’s a well-known architect and I think architecture is interesting but I really dislike the natural science and math requirements.
M: You just completed your freshman year, right?
W: Right.
M: And if I can recall, you did pretty well in your math courses.
W: I did just OK, but that’s only because I had to study really hard. Math doesn’t come naturally to me. It’s not a subject I enjoy.
M: Well, since you’ve finished your math, that means you have only 6 units of natural sciences left to complete — that’s Physics 1 and 2.
W: Well, that’s what I dread taking. I took physics in high school and I failed it miserably. I passed it the second time around only because my parents got me a tutor to make sure I’d pass the subject.
M: Patricia, is physics the only reason you want to make the switch to art?
W: It’s just one of the reasons.
M: Well, Patricia, you’re definitely an artistic student, [3C] but I really believe you’ve got what it takes to be a really good architect.
W: Thanks, I’ll be thinking for a little more time.

选项 A、An architect.
B、An engineer.
C、An artist.
D、A scientist.

答案 A

解析 女士父亲的职业是听音重点。对话中女士提到,她上大学选择建筑专业是因为她的父母,他们希望她能继承父亲的事业(follow in my dad’s footsteps),她的父亲是一位著名的建筑师,故答案为[A]。