If you find it hard to like James Inhofe—the Senator from Oklahoma who famou
If you find it hard to like James Inhofe—the Senator from Oklahoma who famou
If you find it hard to like James Inhofe—the Senator from Oklahoma who famously called climate change the "greatest hoax perpetrated on me American people"—remember this: He was once five. That matters, because Inhofe wasn’t merely a lot younger back men, he was a lot wiser—at least where the environment is concerned. That, according to a study from the Teacher Training College in Bilbao Spain, is true not just of me gentleman from Oklahoma, but all of us.
Educators and people who work with small children know mat they’re anarchists(无政府主义者)by nature, but children also live in a world full of rules. Some of those rules are taught—raise your hand in class, don’t interrupt other people: some seem more innate—don’t hit other children, don’t hurt animals. As reported in a story, psychologists like to posit me difference between telling a kindergartener mat the teacher has suspended me rule against eating snacks in class and telling the same child mat the teacher has suspended me no-hitting rule. In the first case, the child will grab the nearest cookie. In the second, the child will typically hesitate and refuse to hit, and may even say the teacher is wrong.
To test where living tilings fall on this do-no-harm spectrum, Training College researcher Jose Domingo Villaroel assembled a sample group of 118 boys and girls, ages 4 to 7, from local public schools. He started with the basics, showing the kids two sets of four pictures each—a dog, a tree, a bird and a flower: and the sun, clouds, a car and a motorcycle—and asked which of them was alive and which not. As it turned out, the youngest kids particularly would often exclude the tree from the living things category but include the car or the motorcycle.
Villaroel next asked them to respond to two situations. In the first they were presented with a set of social rules(rules against nose-picking and eating sloppily)and a set of interpersonal rules(don’t take other kids’ toys or hurt omer kids). In me second they were presented the same social rules and a set of environmental rules(don’t step on flowers, don’t carve your name into a tree with a knife). In both cases they were asked to pick which rules were the worse ones to break. In both cases the social rules were abandoned first.
It was perhaps unsurprising mat kids understand intuitively why harming other children is a worse offense than showing bad manners. Even at an early age children have a growing sense of empathy, and they understand what it would feel like to be hit themselves or have a toy taken away. But children aren’t flowers or trees, and yet they showed mem equal concern—and mat included the kids who didn’t realize that plant life is life at all.
The study is hardly airtight. It’s possible that the children did not give a hoot about the flowers and were just parroting rules they’d been taught or had observed. But they were taught the good-manners rule too. Villaroel wasn’t concerned with whether they understood right and wrong as absolutes, but rather in degrees—which thing was more right or more wrong. And on that metric, nature scored a big win.
There’s a whole lot of developmental ground covered between the time you’re a five-year-old pre-schooler and a 55-year-old policymaker, and our better angels don’t always survive the trip. But it’s encouraging to know we start out with them—and it’s worth trying to hang onto them as long as we can. [br] According to the passage, small children______.
A、are natural rule-breakers and generally love new things
B、are inclined to observe some rules without being taught
C、obey rules after being repeated and enforced by adults
D、tend to hurt animals when the teacher stops the do-no-harm rule
下列关于晨线与昏线的叙述,正确的是( )A.晨线以东为夜半球,昏线以东为昼半球
A.50% B.27% C.18% D.9%
POMR记录方式的优点不包括A.有所记录资料适于医生自我学习 B.有利于节约诊
A.质量为2m的滑块受到重力、绳的张力、沿斜面的下滑力和斜面的支持力的作用 B
“互联网+”电子商务包括()。A.积极发展农村电子商务 B.大力发展行业电子商