What’s the percent of teenagers who had jobs in 2000? [originaltext] A new re

游客2024-09-20  1

问题 What’s the percent of teenagers who had jobs in 2000?
A new report says youth employment in the US is at its lowest level since the Second World War. We are talking about people aged 16 to 24. The Annie E. Casey Foundation says that only half of them had jobs in 2011, (25)and if you just look at teenagers, only one in four had a job last year. In the year 2000 almost half of them did. The reasons—the lingering effects of the great recession. A lot of the entry level jobs the young people used to count on like those at clothing stores or restaurants, for example, are going to more experienced or more educated workers. One side effect is that young people aren’t getting the early work experience that would help them later on.

选项 A、50%.

答案 A

解析 本题考查对新闻细节的捕捉。由句(25)可知,在2000年美国几乎有一半的青年有工作,所以其就业率是50%。因此A为正确答案。