[audioFiles]2016m4x/audio_ezfj_360_20164[/audioFiles]Sunbed太阳床 In the UK, a

游客2024-09-20  27



答案 Sunbed太阳床
    In the UK, a country known for its bad weather and lack of sunshine, / there appears to be an ever increasing number of very tanned young people. / So just how are they achieving their golden tans? / Some are opting for the sun-free option / and are getting their tan from a bottle. / However, it appears that others are turning to tanning salons, / of which there are thousands in the UK. / While in China young people often prefer to remain fair, / in the UK there seems to be a growing desire for tanned skin. / So why do the British prefer to be bronzed? / Often, they are trying to emulate their favorite celebrities, footballers, or footballers’ wives. / Research from the British Sunbed Association suggests that / many people believe a tan makes them feel and look healthier. / This is a belief that is most definitely not shared by Cancer Research UK. / They firmly state that being tanned is not a sign of health. /
