What is TRUE about General Mladic? [br] [originaltext] After almost 16 years

游客2024-09-19  1

问题 What is TRUE about General Mladic? [br]  
After almost 16 years on the run, Ratko Mladic, one of the world’s most wanted alleged war criminals, is finally captured. Serbian authorities arrested him Thursday. They reportedly caught up with him in Lazarevo, a village near the northern town of Zrenjanin. Mladic was a Bosnian Serb general during the Balkan wars of the 1990s, and the highest-ranking Yugoslav war crimes suspect still at large. He’s wanted for genocide, extermination and murder, and is accused of masterminding the 1995 massacre at Srebrenica.
    General Mladic has a very heavy responsibility for what was a tragedy in Bosnia-Herzegovina for many years, but particularly for the massacre of over 8,000 Muslim males, which has already been judged to be a genocide.
    The capture was praised internationally as a victory for the rule of law in Serbia.

选项 A、Violation of human rights.
B、Involvement in war crimes and genocide.
C、Planning anti-government activities.
D、Being part of the military rule.

答案 B

解析 细节题。姆拉迪奇是仍然在逃的南斯拉夫战争罪行的最高嫌疑人。他犯有种族灭绝罪,被指控策划了1995年斯雷布雷尼察大屠杀,尤其是杀害八千多名穆斯林男子,这已经被判定为种族灭绝屠杀。故正确答案是B。