What is the news item mainly about? [br] [originaltext] In the Midwest, floo

游客2024-09-19  0

问题 What is the news item mainly about? [br]  
In the Midwest, flood watches and warnings could extend from Missouri to Michigan. Water levels are rising rapidly in northern Indiana, which has soaked up five inches of rain. Officials report roads washed out and water spilling over the tops of dams. In Mansonselo, emergency management officials report a couple of hundred homes are under water. However, many of them are unoccupied summer homes on the region’s Mini Lakes. Record high temperatures mean the threat of more storms will continue into the evening hours.

选项 A、Mansonselo.

答案 D

解析 细节判断题。新闻中指出,美国的中西部地区遭遇洪灾,警戒和警告从密苏里延伸至密歇根;印第安纳北部的水位线猛涨;应急管理官员们报告说在Mansonselo,有几百户人家已经被淹。只有D在新闻中没有提及。