Which of the following details in the news is CORRECT? [originaltext] A leadi

游客2024-09-19  1

问题 Which of the following details in the news is CORRECT?
A leading Nepalese climber, who’s scaled Mount Everest 19 times, is missing after an avalanche hit a group he was guiding on a smaller Himalayan peak. The agent in charge of the expedition says Chhewang Nima’s experience and survival skills means he could still be alive.
    The Nepalese mountaineer was fixing ropes near the summit of a 7,000-metre peak, Mount Baruntse, on Saturday when an avalanche hit. Another Sherpa, who was behind Chhewang Nima, reported that he was blown over the side of the mountain by the force of the snow. A rescue helicopter was sent to the scene but was unable to take off from the mountain’s base camp because of high winds. Another attempt will be made on Monday to reach the side of the mountain where the climber is believed to be.

选项 A、The rescue operations involved many people.
B、The cause of the accident has not been determined.
C、Rescue efforts were stopped because of the snow.
D、The rescue helicopter will try again on Monday.

答案 D

解析 细节判断题。新闻中指出,尼泊尔登山名将在突遇雪崩之后失踪。事发之后,一架直升飞机派往现场但是由于大风无法在登山营地起飞,周一将尝试抵达山的另一边。选项A新闻没有提及;选项B错误,因为新闻说事故是由雪崩引起的;选项C错误,因为阻碍营救的是大风而不是下雪。故正确答案是D。